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My final project for a course on Internet Art and Design. This work is a light recreation of the classic Nintendo game "Duck Hunt" made using various JavaScript frameworks.
Like the original game, players can aim using their mouse and click to shoot the flying duck. However, with each successful shot, the duck will move faster. The game ends when players miss the duck 5 times, and have no ammunition left.
Having finished a working prototype of the game in 2018, there were many goals I had outlined for this project, but the most important was to recreate the original experience as much as possible, with an appropriate combination of assets including sprites, audio, and visuals.
Finished in the span of 5 days, this project stands as one of my favorites. It was a painless experience assembling the various assets, and exciting to see ideas slowly come to reality, but it's a different feeling seeing other people enjoy interacting with something you built.
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