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Three.js Globe
Three.js Floral Gallery
Three.js Cake
Three.js Globe
Made With
Anchor 1
Here you'll find a collection of past projects utilizing the JavaScript framework, three.js. Dedicated for presenting complex, interactive 3D graphics on the web, these projects are just a small sample showcasing the graphical capabilities of three.js for rendering, lighting, and even animation.
Since these works are interactive, using your mouse will allow you to move the camera oriented around the 3D objects you see.
For more info and to see more intricate works, check out the official three.js website.
Our first project was dedicated to the fundamentals of 3D modeling using vectors and plane geometry to Use the controls on the control panel to change the visual attributes of the obelisk, such as its width, height, and depth.
Luxo Bulb
In a faithful homage to Pixar's first short film, "Luxo Jr." (1986), this project demonstrates Three.js capabilities with spot lighting.
Floral Scene
A gallery style piece demonstrating the external multimedia capabilities of Three.js, taking three different .jpg images and mapping them onto 3D surfaces.
Another piece showcasing the image mapping capabilities of Three.js, this piece demonstrates more intricate mapping techniques to create this model of earth with a primitive sphere shape and a simple jpg image.
Decorated Cake
Bouncing Ball
One of our first exercises utilizing animation and keybindings for even more interactive works. Here you can use the specified keys to start and stop the bouncing ball, and even control the ball's range of motion.
Moving Leg
Another exercise in animation and keybindings; this time utilizing multiple objects as part of a sequence.
Related Works
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